Creating a Gym in your Insulated Garden Room

Creating a Gym in your Insulated Garden Room

Creating a home gym in an insulated garden building is an excellent way to maintain your fitness routine from the comfort of your own home. With the rise of remote work and the growing emphasis on health and wellness, having a dedicated workout space is more appealing than ever. An insulated garden building offers a unique blend of privacy, convenience, and versatility making it an ideal location for your personal fitness sanctuary.

What is an Insulated Garden Room

An insulated garden room is an ideal outdoor sanctuary and makes for a perfect garden gym. With top quality UK craftsmanship and highest calibre materials our insulated garden rooms make for a year round garden escape. Quadruple layer EcoQuilt insulated walls, a revolutionary, foil-coated, breathable foam membrane which, thanks to its minimal thickness, provides plenty of insulation without costing you inside space. The modular design also allows it to seamlessly integrate into any garden, allowing you to choose where to place the doors and windows for the most ideal layout for your garden.

How big should my garden gym be?

Unlike storing all your gym equipment in the garage only for it to gather dust and only be used once a millennia, having a dedicated room to not just store your gym equipment but to use and enjoy, means putting some thought into the layout and size to make it the best gym for you. With most at home gyms you often have to sacrifice near-essential equipment due to spatial constraints but at Waltons our IGRs can accommodate even the most versatile home gym. Our larger IGR means you could have a treadmill in one corner, a bench in the other, a squat cage dead centre and still enough room to stretch and throw some weights around. Even with a more compact IGR you can still have a large focal piece of machinery with enough surrounding room to enjoy your workout space.

Preparing the Space

Although not essential, certain things should be put in place before turning your IGR into a full fledged garden gym. Interlocking foam flooring offers cushioning when dropping weights and protects the floors from any damage, it also adds another layer of comfort when doing any exercise that requires you to be close to the floor. Alongside this some overhead lighting means be early mornings or late nights you can always workout. Getting electricity into your IGR is a fairly simple process, our show site IGR has mains power, to find out more have a look at this helpful guide.

What equipment should I get?

In some cases free weights and bands are two sides of the same coin, to maximize space having a band only gym can be a tempting option as they only need hooks or a small box to be stored in, but if having your own set of dumbbells is an opportunity you can’t pass up then you’ll also need a rack to easily store them. For compact IGRs and larger equipment you might need to choose just one, but for the larger IGRs the only choice is where to put them. 

If you’re more focused on cardio then a treadmill or exercise bike is the perfect choice for you. Whereas for hypertrophy training a squat rack with a deadlift platform means there's very little that can’t be exercised. Lastly a bench means you can use those dumbbells for a variety of movements.

How to design your gym

Mirrors are a staple of any gym especially a home gym, having a designated corner or wall to fill with floor to ceiling mirrors makes the space feel bigger and means you can keep an eye on your form throughout your workout. Other useful additions include wall affirmations or inspirational posters to keep you motivated throughout your workouts. As for any garden building plants are always welcome as they bring a little bit of the outdoors in and can go a long way in creating a balanced atmosphere within your garden gym. 

Finishing Touches

Finally add a tv or some speakers, as whether it's show tunes or Brazilian phonk every gym needs workout tunes. And there it is your very own home gym, if it’s weightlifting, yoga, cardio, or a mix of everything, a garden gym offers the perfect blend of convenience and customization. With thoughtful planning and the right equipment, you can create a space that motivates and empowers you to reach your fitness goals.

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